Dealing With Loss

This past Thursday I lost my beloved dog Hershey... She was a Chihuahua and her birthday was on Monday. I know, I know really heart breaking but honestly I had the best 9 years with her and I will always remember her in my heart. On the day that it happened I had to go to school, but the previous night my family knew she wasn't feeling well so they were planning on taking her to the doctor that morning. So as I went to school and saw Hershey one last time she seemed to have a sad look in her eyes, like she knew that it was her time. That afternoon I had just walked home from school as I entered my house I noticed the gate was gone (Hershey was very small, as Chihuahuas are so she was kept in the kitchen). At first I dismissed it but as I continued to walk into the kitchen my mom had asked me if I knew (my dad was supposed to pick me up after school but he went to the wrong building) and I didn't know but I wasn't surprised when she told me. Hershey had died. At...