7 Things to do this Summer

It's July, despite the fact that back-to-school commercials are on you can still enjoy the rest of your summer. Here are 7 things to do this summer... 1. Build a Fort As a teenager sometimes I forget that I'm still young and doing childish things are acceptable. So pull out the cushions from your couch, grab some blankets and pillows and make your own fort! Invite a sibling or friend to enjoy a movie in your new "home". 2. Make S'mores Easy campfire fun and delicious snack. All you need are graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows. Roast marshmallows over a hot fire, place on cracker add chocolate and another graham cracker to seal the deal. If you don't have a fire pit but you have a gas stove....Roast some marshmallows over the stove, just make sure you don't burn the house down. 3. Go Swimming Beach, Lake or Pool. Anywhere where you can swim and have fun. Many beaches have free admission and lakes are pretty accessible (...