Querido Papito....

Ama la gente que Dios te dio porque un dia el va necesitarlo paratras. I wanted to write this blog post in Spanish to honor my late grandfather who passed on Thursday may 12, 2016. He was a man born and raised in Puerto Rico. He moved to the U.S. at the ripe age of 20 with my grandmother. They moved to the Bronx in New York State. For the next 10 years, they were back and forth between Puerto Rico and New York. Before they settled in the Bronx then moved to southern Pennsylvania where they eventually stayed. My abuelo wasn't the perfect man on the planet but he tried and did what he could. He was a great person to all of his grandkids. I know he is in a better place now. For the past few weeks, he had suffered from strokes and had been in and out of the hospital. It wasn't necessarily a surprise that he passed but it still wasn't something that anyone was expecting to happen so soon. After his last hospital visit, he was put into a home where he could receive...