Expolitation & Appropriation: How I Make Theory Walk

Spring semester 2017 I took a course called Literature and Cultural Studies. Our last day of class (today) we were asked to bring in a "speech" summarizing our thoughts about the content and learning that happened over the course of the semester. This course helped to reshape my thinking and how I interact with the world around me. This is a revised version of my "speech" on how I incorporate the different theories into my life. Before taking this course, I always paired theory with science, and science with intellectuals. Before this course, theory’s only purpose was to deliver to me an overly complicated jargon-filled explanation that confused me rather than simplifying the idea at hand. Before this course, I never thought of theory as something practical or something that could be applied to literature or social situations. When exploring different theories in class like; deconstruction, liberal humanism and critical race theory, I started to experie...