Stuck In a Rut...

Lately, I've been feeling very unmotivated to write posts for this blog. I feel like there is a subconscious thought that keeps telling me that no one will read anything that I have to write and that there is no point in writing anything on this silly little blog. Honestly, it sucks having so many ideas build up in my head over time that when I finally have the courage to type out the words, it doesn't seem like its good enough to publish. As an aspiring journalist, it is very hard to self-publish quality content. In the internet world, it seems like there are so many voices to be heard and I am just being engulfed by all of them and not making enough of a statement to have mine stand out. Granted I don't put too much time and effort into my blog but that doesn't mean I don't care about it. It just means that I'm scared and don't know what to do. Since living at home after taking a semester off of school I've theoretically had more than ...