Building, Maintaining & Keeping Confidence
I'm still a teen in high school and you can imagine the environment I'm still in, the constant competition and struggle for attention by anyone and everyone who will give it to you. But this past year it clicked in my brain that I don't need to impress anyone so their opinion about me changes, I don't need to care about what they're thinking to be happy. I just need to be proud of me and not change myself unless the outcome will have positive products. Since I've come to realize this my total persona has changed in the way I carry myself as a person. I hold my head high and surround myself by positive people and I don't let people toy with my emotions. Other things I've done to help me with my confidence is to look at all the good things in my life, to appreciate the little things. A good thing that helps me is reminding myself of my achievements and all the things I've gotten to do in my life.
My friend sent me this pin on Pinterest after I declared my sudden discovery. I was glad my friends were supportive of my new discovery. Some may be thinking of how my friends couldn't have told me this or even my parents, but another thing I've learned is no matter how many times you tell a person what's right they're not going to listen until they decide they want to. So to all my friends out there who may be struggling with confidence my three things to take away are;
1. Surround yourself with positive people (and listen to them!)
2. Always talk about your problems, never keep them to yourself
3. Always look on the positive side, it may not be easy but there always is a positive side if you just find it.