Labor Day Plans

Labor day weekend is approaching fast! I have a few ideas to soak in the last days of summer and to keep the mind distracted from school. This weekend should be embraced, this is the opportunity to have some relaxation & fun before school. My school gave me this Friday through next Monday off for labor day & every second will be enjoyed.
~An idea for this weekend is to have one last taste of summer before school really starts is to enjoy the pool! Where I live the weather actually changes, so the pool is not open all year long. With this past winter being extra-long all this summer I've appreciated the heat and will soak up the sun over this weekend. I would suggest going with friends and family, have a genuine good time and have a moment to yourself, no need to post to instagram or tweet.

~Want a relaxing weekend? Try going to the park and taking a walk. If you don't want to do that try walking around your neighborhood. The summer breeze is the perfect weather for a walk. When I walk I get to think and organize my life, take a breather from the daily responsibilities. To add on to the relaxation is to just sit outside or lay out on the grass and look into the sky (very cheesy but try it, you can be surprised).

~Find a local place to hang out! Around my city there are a lot of places near the town square/downtown area. When you look around your area there are many places that are locally owned! Look around and see what you can find! I like going to a local cafĂ© in my downtown area that has great milkshakes.
Hopefully this gave you some ideas for what to do this weekend! Also shout out to my friend who REALLY wanted me to do this, you can follow her here.
Live ~Laugh~Love 

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