Blogmas: Day Eight & Nine

During this time of year I usually stay inside and don't venture off and explore but this year I want to create a bucket list of something's to do during December and over winter break.
I am not saying that I am the best singer but I do love Christmas songs. I think getting a couple of my friends and going around caroling in my town square would be cool to do.
Most towns have a Christmas tree lighting in their town square. I may have missed the one in my town but going to see it lit up on a winter's night is a good equivalent to me.
To be quite honest I have never been roller-skating and I am not sure if there is a skating rink where I live but I would love to try it out (probably would end up being an epic fail but who knows).
Ever year me and my sister build a snowman or a wall of snow and have snowball fights but this year I want to take on the challenge of building an igloo! Depending on the amount of snow that we get, I think we can pull it off but I should probably get the right gear to take on such a large and difficult task.
On my dad's side of the family we usually do Secret Santa among all of the grandchildren. We all put our names in and Christmas day we give each other gifts, this year we forgot to pick names so the plan is to get a "general" gift and exchange gifts on Christmas day. Let's see how that goes....
What new things do you want to try this season?
16 more days to go.

Live ~Laugh~Love 

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