Blogmas: Day Seven
The first week of December has already passed and if you haven't already you should probably have your Christmas tree up already. In my family we have an artificial, tree, not the most traditional but it does have its pros and cons. The pros are that we don't have to tend to it everyday or worry about pine needles. Some cons are that you don't have that fresh tree aroma filling up your house or the fun of going to the tree lot and picking one out. Every year we drag out tree from the basement and assemble it, not the most thrilling, compared to searching for the perfect tree at a lot. Aside from that decorating the tree is the other half of the fun! My mom is likes having a theme for the tree each year. One year it was burgundy and bronze this year it's gold with white/silver accents. We have gold glass bell ornaments with gold bows and white lights. We also have silver snowflakes on our tree as well as round gold ornaments. I am more of a colorful person, I love homemade ornaments and colorful lights with a real tree, that is my kind of Christmas tree.
Happy Decorating!