Blogmas: Day Six

As it is starting to near towards Christmas, it only seems right to start Christmas shopping and finding gifts for your loved ones. Today I had the challenge of finding out what to get for my parents and sister. Living with them, gives me an idea of what they like and don't like. When I went to the store(s) today and I was overwhelmed with so many possible options to choose from, so many possible gifts to give. When going into a store there are advertised "gifts" for Christmas like; perfume & lotion sets for the ladies and ties or watches for the men. Then you have the actually items of the store, having all these options it was soon clear I was going to have some trouble choosing gifts. I conjured up a plan in my head to help me narrow down what to get them. As I was walking through the store I put any possible gift into my cart, now you may be saying that this is crazy and you will end up buying all the stuff any way but since I was on a budget it works out if you follow all the steps. So as I was walking through the store I saw something for my mom, I put it in the cart. Something for dad? In the cart it went. Something for sis, in the cart. after about an hour I stopped in an empty part of the store and looked through what I had in my cart. I then started deciding between the good gifts, the stuff I actually wanted for myself and the impulse buys (these usually are the things you don't really want or need but you just have to have it). After doing this for about 15 minutes I put the reject items back and headed to checkout. This system helped to me to pick out really nice gifts as opposed to buying something and not really putting thought into it.

  • PUT potential gifts in your cart
  • SORT out he things you've collected
  • DECIDE on what you want to buy as the gift
I am not saying its full-proof but it works.
19 more days to go!

Live ~Laugh~Love 

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