Blogmas: Day Ten
So I live on the east coast of the United States, and unlike some parts of my country we go through seasons. The weather does not stay 85 degrees all year 'round. So with that said, the weather may go through seasons, I believe people have seasons as well, and this season I have been experiencing a sweet tooth! But this is not unusual for me, I could eat sweets all the time if I was allowed. The unusual part is that the specific kind of dessert I have been craving cream! Now you can understand why the relevance of how the weather is where I live. It is currently 35 degrees outside with some chilly wind making it feel like it's 25 degrees. Although it is certifiably cold and a normal person would crave a hot food or beverage to keep them toasty, I crave ice cream! I went and bought the Friendlys vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups and ate about two scoops ( I say about because I have no shame in saying I eat the ice cream right out of the carton). I may or may not have a problem but I enjoyed my ice cream nonetheless.
Hope you do what makes you happy!
15 more days to go!
Live ~Laugh~Love