During this lovely holiday break I have still been applying to colleges. On most applications schools will ask short response questions to get a sense of what kind of student you are. One of the schools I applied to asked me a question that took me by surprise. Not because it was challenging or confusing but the level of depth that the answer could hold, was astounding to me (also the fact that they only gave me a maximum of 200 words). "If you were to write the story of your life until now, what would you title it and why?" My Secret Life would be the title of my life up until now. As a person I feel that I am very bubbly and energetic, friendly and open-minded. I am always eager to learn new things and explore different places but as a person I also tend to hide some things I feel ashamed of or too embarrassed to talk about. I put up a facade for my friends to look at but I never reveal my whole self. Although I have some pretty amazing ...