Hey guys so for the past few days I've been posting fun things about the holiday season but I feel like we should take a step back and look at our lives.
There is so much that we should be grateful for that we are taking advantage of while other people across the world are suffering. Although this may seem a bit dramatic, how many things do you own right now that some people in this world consider a luxury? Like a mattress or toilet or an oven...
During this season I challenge you all to participate in random acts of kindness. Whether it's holding a door for someone or paying for a friend or volunteering at a local shelter.
Taking some time or money to contribute back to your community and the people around you can make such a difference.
Just something to consider as you continue during this holiday season.
Hope you enjoyed my commentary of the giving side of this holiday...
Merry almost-Christmas!!! 18 more days....
Live ~Laugh~Love