On June 3rd 2014, this blog was born.

The past two years on this blog has been great. I feel that I have learned so much about myself and about the person that I am becoming. I have been able to develop my writing style through my various posts and I have been able to shape my content.

As I write about my personal life and things that I experience I hope to help others with their own personal journey's and allow them to know it's ok!

Although I have learned so much about myself I also learned about my values as I continued to write this blog over the past two years. My intentions started pure but in the end, I realized I wanted to make this a job and try to gain some revenue for my words. Instead of writing posts I would want to write things to gain traction to this site.

Honestly, it was a battle with myself because between school, church and extra curricular activities I always had this blog as a hobby NOT a job. Maybe in the future, I will invest money into a design and start boosting my rating by posting ads up on Google and Facebook. For now, this is just a blog for whoever wants to read it. And if you find value in my words please make sure to tell me!

Often times I find that I am writing to no one but I can see that someone is reading my content and if you are please tell me what you think, or where you're from or what I should write next! Any and all feedback is appreciated!

From now on I will continue to write posts wholeheartedly in hopes that whoever is reading is touched in some way; whether entertained by my stupidity or astounded by my bravery. Either way, I just want to write freely in hopes of someone reading.

This summer I am making the transition from high school student to college student. From teenager to adult.

I can't believe that an age dictates what I can and can't do in life. 17 years old I had no legal responsibility but now as an 18-year-old there are so many possibilities. Just to reiterate, I live in the U.S. so the legal age to drink is 21, so I still have a way to go for that (but I'm not one to drink alcohol). But with being 18 in the U.S. I can register to vote and I already have an I am highly anticipating the election day this November. I can also buy lottery tickets and I can make my own doctor's appointments (which is always so exciting).

I can say I am not ready for paying rent or bills, inevitable things that come with being an adult and jut general responsibility. All this seems pretty scary, but I am glad I get some practice during college.

Speaking about college, I just recently came back from orientation and had the best experience. I got to have a taste of what being a college student is all about (but without stress of school or actual classes). I got to get a good feel of the campus and visited the campus store more times than I can count.

All in all, I am glad to have had these 2 years with this blog and I can't wait for what the rest of this year holds and beyond.

Live ~Laugh~Love 

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