Thursday Thoughts: 2018 Goals
This year has started off very similar to the years before it, full of hope and empty resolutions. At the beginning of each year, I am very optimistic about setting goals and resolutions. I try to be persistent in completing them but to be honest, after January there isn't much momentum left to continue pursuing these expectations.
The problem isn't setting up a goal, its the completion of it or rather the lack of accountability to attain them. One I first started making resolutions I would think of outlandish things like exercising and eating healthy. The Lord knows I haven't seen the inside of a gym in months and the only healthy thing my body knows about is lettuce, which is basically solid water so...What I ended up doing was creating more realistic expectations for myself like drink more water and take the stairs instead of the elevator, baby steps.
Anyway, this year I am putting more of a focus on myself and my writing. Throughout this past semester I allowed school to overwhelm me but over the next few months, I am going to be focusing on the blog and creating more quality content. Every year I write about wanting to produce more posts but I want to try and let my creative juices flow until I figure out what content I enjoy creating.
Although past years haven't been too great with keeping up resolutions and goals, I am optimistic about 2018 and all that it brings!