Growing Up and Growing Apart
I've recently noticed that I am not the same person I was when I was in high school. I'm not the person I was last year and I'm not even the same person I was yesterday.
Every day I experience something new and I grow as a person. Good or bad, the way I walk through life has an effect on how I live and interact with people.
Taking time off from school, I've realized that I don't talk to the same people. I've grown apart from some and others I've lost touch. But I'm not mourning the loss of the friendship because I realize that I no longer need those people in my life, I outgrew them.
Although like plants there are certain things that help to make us grow. Whether it's sunlight or water we need both to survive but it's about finding the right balance that makes a plant flourish and bloom.
Right now I feel like I'm still in the balancing stage. Each day I'm testing out different levels of water and sunlight trying to find my perfect mix. Lately, I've been doing some reflecting and have noticed that my social life is fluctuating.
There are certain people that I realized have taken too much of my energy and haven't allowed me to grow, blocking me from the sun. Others I have found have been great company, people that are invested in who I am.
While reflecting I've realized I've had to cut some weeds out of my life that weren't allowing me to grow and that it's sometimes necessary to do so if I want to reach my full potential and flourish.
Have you had to cut any weeds out of your life recently? Let me know in the comments!