Hello 2020
New Year, New Beginnings
Happy New Year!
During the first few weeks of every new year, everyone has all these resolutions, all these things they want to change or 'fix' about themselves. My theory about this is that people are obsessed with new year resolutions every year is that people are intrigued by the chance at a fresh start.
Don't get me wrong, I am one of those the people. But instead of resolutions, I like to say the word goals. I think of things that are reasonable and easy to achieve. Like popular things that people often list is that they want to go to the gym, lose, weight, eat healthier. All these things are great but by no means are realistic for me.
Going into this year I definitely want to be more mindful of my eating habits but I'm not going to change them completely just to fulfill some goal or fit into the norm.
In addition to mindful eating, I also want to take one big trip this year. I am someone that has never really been on a vacation. The closest thing that I come to doing is staycations. My family and I will stay at a hotel and go to an amusement park in the area that we live in.
I also want to stay with my curly hair lifestyle. Over the past year, I really transitioned into not wearing my hair straight or using heat on my hair. I've been embracing my coily locks and loving it.
I'm also trying to read more this year. Last year I read maybe 10 books (give or take 3) and I want to really carve out time in my day to read for pleasure. So many times I can get overwhelmed reading from class or reading the news, that I want something mind-numbing where I don't have to think too much. And I am grateful for audiobooks, you can read books while walking to class and not bump someone because you're looking down.
A bunch of Youtubers that I follow also have been in the new year spirit. So I took the liberty of linking some of their videos below!