Lancaster County COVID-19 Statistics

Screenshot of Lancaster County COVID-19 Page

Lancaster County is located in South-Central Pennsylvania, most commonly known for its Amish community. The coronavirus has affected millions of people across the globe and although some in Lancaster County want to reopen, below are some of the official statistics from the county's website.

The county has created a page on its website with all COVID-19 related information on one page. The image above is what visitors to the site are encountered with. What might seem overwhelming at first, is a lot of helpful information. Below I have formatted and broken down the information provided by the county.

Three important numbers highlighted on the page, as of May 14th,2020, are:

  • 249 deaths in Lancaster County
  • 2,364 confirmed cases in the county
  • 62,791 confirmed cases in Pennsylvania
Background numbers that may be helpful to note are that the current population of Lancaster County is 543,557 according to DataUSA. So this means that approximately 1% of the county's population has a confirmed case, credit being due to the current social distancing measures in place.

The number of confirmed cases recorded is cumulative; so the 2,364 cases in Lancaster County includes all the people that have confirmed positive including those who have recovered. Also listed on the webpage is the number of active cases in the county which is 2,179.

Map of deaths per municipality in Lancaster County
Each municipality within the county is a different color to signify the number of deaths due to COVID-19. There are six distinct colors to distinguish the number of deaths; deep red signifies deaths between 51 - 106, a bright red for 16 - 50 deaths, bright orange for 7 - 15 deaths, pale orange for 2 - 6 deaths, a pale yellow for 1 death and white means zero deaths.

Below is a breakdown of the county's municipalities and death count as of May 14th, 2020:

Deep Red Municipalities (51 - 106 deaths)
  • Lancaster Township - 106
Red Municipalities (16 - 50 deaths)
  • Manheim Township - 47
  • Lititz Borough - 29
Bright Orange Municipalities (7 - 15 deaths)
  • East Hempfield Township - 15
  • Christiana Borough - 13
  • Rapho Township - 9
Pale Orange Municipalities (2 - 6 deaths) 
  • City of Lancaster - 6
  • West Donegal Township - 4
  • Penn Township - 4
  • Warwick Township - 3
  • Columbia Borough - 3
  • East Cocalico Township - 3
  • New Holland Borough - 2
Pale Yellow Municipalities (1 death)
  • Elizabeth Borough
  • Ephrata Township
  • East Lampeter Township
  • Paradise Township
  • Salisbury Township
  • Providence Township
All other municipalities in the county do not have a reported death due to COVID-19. Also included in the map are black dots that signify test sites in the county, there are currently four in the county.
  • Lancaster City Testing Site
Facility Name LGH/UPMC Clipper Stadium
Address 650 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA
Facility Status Operational 
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm, Sat-Sun 9am to 2pm Testing for patients ages 10 years and older.
  • East Lampeter Twp Testing Site
Facility Name Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
Address 850 Greenfield Rd, Lancaster, PA
Facility Status Operational
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm, Sat-Sun 9am to 2pm
  • Ephrata Borough Testing Site
Facility Name Wellspan Ephrata Hospital
Address 169 Martin Ave, Ephrata, PA
Facility Status Operational
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Ephrata Borough Testing Site
Facility Name Wellspan Lake Street Facility
Address 136 Lake St, Ephratra, PA
Facility Status Operational
Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat and Sun 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Graph of Deaths by Age Group in Lancaster County

The majority of deaths in Lancaster County have been from people who are 80 years of age and above but not excluded from that demographic. There have been a number of deaths from people ages 50 to 79.

Given the age group of the majority of deaths in the county, it makes sense that 75% of those deaths took place in a nursing home or assisted living facility. The Center for Disease Control says that "Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions" are at higher risk for developing COVID-19 symptoms.

Disclaimer: This isn't all the information that is provided by Lancaster County, this blog post is supposed to serve as a brief breakdown of some of the information provided. The statistics for COVID-19 are constantly changing so be sure to check the official Lancaster County Website for updated information.

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